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START EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPAMENTOS START EQUIPMENT Resultados de busca EQUIPMENT Blog EQUIPMENT More Temos orgulho em saber que a nossa sinalização nas rodovias e vias do Brasil, preserva vidas todos os dias! Our services machinery and equipment for horizontal signage Inscrição Nome Email Telefone Data de nascimento Empresa Último cargo Selecione uma data Endereço Cidade Região/Estado/Província Código postal (CEP) carregar currículo Faça upload de um arquivo compatível (máx. 15MB) Conte-nos sobre você link rede social Como soube de nós? Amigos Redes sociais Outro Inscreva-se agora > Avalie-nos Ruim Justo Bom Muito bom Excelente Obrigado(a) por se inscrever, até breve! Rua Juliano Lucchi, 111 - Distrito Industrial CEP 88133540 - Palhoça, SC - Brasil + 55 48 2106 3000 2024® Sinasc - Todos os direitos reservados
- Sinalização | Sinasc Sinalização Viária
Nos envie um e-mail Estamos à disposição para esclarecer qualquer dúvida que você possa ter. Nossa equipe de profissionais altamente qualificados está pronta para atendê-lo de forma rápida e eficiente. Nome Empresa Telefone Email Endereço Enviar Enviado com sucesso!
Our services machinery and equipment for horizontal signage Experience in our services A compilation on traffic engineering for road signs UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION With more than 30 (thirty) years of experience in the road safety engineering market, SINASC edits and presents its new technical manual, version 3.0. This manual is intended to demonstrate – but not exhaust – the main products on the market in terms of quality, as well as to present the standards and legislation that products and services in the signaling area must comply with in order to obtain the expected result. Through the experience acquired over the 3 (three) decades of work, SINASC had contact with several products, having classified and selected some brands that are its partners, in order to guarantee the intended final result, which respects the customer, as well as provide greater safety to the road user. SINASC is in constant search for new technologies, being always present in the largest world fairs in the sector, which gives it enough know-how to present the manual. In order for the final service to have the desired quality, the various steps and requirements that must be respected in the execution of the signage are also presented. REPRODUÇÃO NÃO AUTORIZADA
- EMPRESA | Sinasc
Our services machinery and equipment for horizontal signage The company Sinasc started its activities in 1988, in the area of road signs and landscaping. Since 1990, it has concentrated its activities in the area of road signs, traffic engineering, urban and road furniture. The company provides services, actively contributing to the development of signaling and traffic engineering of the country's road systems, developing new materials, applying new technologies and seeking new service techniques in all markets. In 2018, deciding to focus its work on the execution of services, it directed its activities to the execution of road safety engineering, notably in road signage. In this way, through partnerships formed throughout its years of activity in the market, which only reflect its incessant for quality and high technology, SINASC aims to meet the needs of its customers on time, with the aim of always fulfilling its premises: quality and prompt service. It is structured to serve its customers anywhere in Brazil, MERCOSUR and throughout Latin America.
Our services machinery and equipment for horizontal signage No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
Our Machines and Equipment Technology at the disposal of highways and roads The need to signal highways and long stretches requires the need for adequate equipment that has a greater capacity for loading ink, microspheres and solvents for better performance in the execution of these services. Sinasc makes available for the execution of horizontal painting, painting machines of easy handling, always aiming at the speed of the execution of the work optimizing the delivery time. These horizontal painting equipment have specific assembly configurations for each type of paint application with different dimensions to meet situations that require the application of road signs. Every truck has specific documentation for its proper purpose. Sinasc, in this way, guarantees that trucks equipped with horizontal painting machines will serve effectively, without causing financial or labor losses. Sinasc has vehicles equipped and adapted to provide specialized services for road signs. The fleet consists of vehicles equipped with machines for horizontal signaling with thermoplastic materials, acrylic paint. No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
- Fim de Ano | Sinasc
boas festas! boas festas! boas festas! machinery and equipment for horizontal signage Boas Sinasc started its activities in 1988, in the area of road signs and landscaping. Since 1990, it has concentrated its activities in the area of road signs, traffic engineering, urban and road furniture. The company provides services, actively contributing to the development of signaling and traffic engineering of the country's road systems, developing new materials, applying new technologies and seeking new service techniques in all markets. In 2018, deciding to focus its work on the execution of services, it directed its activities to the execution of road safety engineering, notably in road signage. In this way, through partnerships formed throughout its years of activity in the market, which only reflect its incessant for quality and high technology, SINASC aims to meet the needs of its customers on time, with the aim of always fulfilling its premises: quality and prompt service. It is structured to serve its customers anywhere in Brazil, MERCOSUR and throughout Latin America.
No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
- Sinalização | Sinasc Sinalização Viária
Certified company Sinasc seeks the satisfaction of its customers, professionals, suppliers and owners, guaranteeing the continuous improvement of processes, the quality of products and/or services, providing training and adequate working conditions to its professionals, through punctuality in the delivery of services. and/or products, the good interpersonal relationship of the teams with the customers of individual professional development, compliance with the standards established by the customer and the continuous improvement of the quality system. Experience in our services Through the experience acquired over the 3 (three) decades of work, SINASC had contact with several products, having classified and selected some brands that are its partners, in order to guarantee the intended final result, which respects the customer, as well as provide greater safety to the road user. Conheça a empresa Experience in our services Alguns trabalhos executados pela Sinasc About Us Through the experience acquired over the 3 (three) decades of work, SINASC had contact with several products, having classified and selected some brands that are its partners, in order to guarantee the intended final result, which respects the customer, as well as provide greater safety to the road user. Cadastre-se Agora! Manual Técnico de Engenharia de Tráfego para Sinalização Viária Everything you need to know about new technologies, products and services related to traffic engineering is just a click away. Saiba mais
- Blog | Sinasc
All Posts Search No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.